Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New funnies from 2nd grade

My school year has started out ok I guess. It has been a little unorganized (a little my fault and a lot not my fault). My kids are doing ok too. I have one kid who is pushing me to my limits some days, but nothing I can't handle. I recently got a new kid and he speaks no English. That part has been interesting to say the least. I know minimal Spanish but we are surviving together!

Yesterday "Rose" asked me if she could buy ice cream with a credit card. Sadly I had to tell her no. She was very disappointed. I later asked her if she had a credit card and she whipped it out. It was a visa gift card. She told me her mom told her she could have it because there was only $1.75 left on it.

Today when "Rose" came in she asked me if I like Roly Poly's. I said yes. I do remember catching them when I was little and watching them roll up. I would wait patiently until they felt safe enough to unroll and move around again. About an hour or so later "Rose" again asked me if I like Roly Poly's. I again said yes. She then asked me if I liked a lot of Roly Poly's. I thought for a minute and said no, I don't like a lot of Roly Poly's. The she asked me if I liked Roly Poly's in my classroom. That really got my attention. I said "Rose, are there Roly Poly's in our classroom?" and she smiled.....

Rose spent a lot of time at home on Monday afternoon collecting about 2 dozen Roly Poly's. They were tucked neatly into her pencil box. Some were all rolled up and others were walking about. We immediately went outside and set the poor Roly Poly's free. Ahhhhh kids do the darnedest things......